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 What is Role Playing?

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Join date : 2008-06-15

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PostSubject: What is Role Playing?   What is Role Playing? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 7:21 am

Ok, think of role playing as a diary. It is a way of communication between players, there are four ways of role playing, and they are;

The first one is.....Basic role play
I suggest when you're starting out you use basic role play, this mean you don't have to be too realistic, you don't have to have super awsome gramma, and can use small sentences.
E.g. Tony walked around the house, he was searching for something.

The second one is...Advanced role play
When you get used to RPing you may use this one, this means if you do use it you have to be very realistic and must have great gramma, and use long sentences
E.g. Tony slowly walked around, trying not to wake up his parents, he slowly stepped on to the kitchen floor, there was a loud creecking noise. Tony stood frozen, daring not to move, he saw the dog raise its head, the dog stood up, streched and sniffed around, by now he was at Tony's feet. Tony waited for the dog to go back into its bed, he walked over to the fridge and slowly opened the door, a cooling gush of cold air gushed out of the fridge, Tony sighed happilly as he searched for his favorite food, nothing! No chocolate, he slowly shut the fridge and walked back into his room, before he could open the door the dog ran and licked his leg, busted!

The third one is....First person role play
When you RP in first person mode you use alot of words describing what happened in your eyes.
E.g. I slowly walked around, being careful not to wake up my parents and sister, I slowly walked on to the kitchen's floor, the dog was asleep and soring, the wooden floor was creecking as I lightly stept past the dog, as I did the dog woke up, I though I was busted, so I froze, I didn't dare to move because if I did the dog would probably bark. The dog stood up and streched, slightly giving an unhappy grunt, it sniffed around my feet and soon went back to its bed, good I thought. I slowly walked over to the fridge and slowly looked around for my favorite food, chocolate. There was none, dang! I thought as I slowly shut the fridge door, I walked back into my room, before I could even open the door the dog woke up and ran towards me, licking my leg. Busted!

The fourth is....Third person role play
When you are like watching the person doing the actions
E.g. Same as advanced role play's e.g.
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PostSubject: Re: What is Role Playing?   What is Role Playing? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 14, 2008 8:17 pm

This is a very good explanation!
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Join date : 2008-06-15

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PostSubject: Re: What is Role Playing?   What is Role Playing? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 11:10 am

It took forever! But As long as people understand what it is I am happy Very Happy
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Join date : 2008-07-09
Location : Right behnid you!! Why do you wanna know anyway?????!!!

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PostSubject: Re: What is Role Playing?   What is Role Playing? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 2:47 am

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PostSubject: Re: What is Role Playing?   What is Role Playing? Icon_minitime

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