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 Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all!

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-08-03

Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all! Empty
PostSubject: Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all!   Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2008 2:44 pm

Name: Blurred Image
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Breed: Anglo-Arab
Colour: Gray
Hoof/mane and tail colour: See pic
Height: 15 HH
Personality: Quiet and Shy but likes to be involved. She is happy but when alone can get very sad. She likes to show off and impress others. She is very fiesty and can be quick to judge. She is fun and playful. She also will put horses in their place.
Likes: Stallions who like to have a lot of fun and are kind and caring.
Dislikes: Horses that try to butt in and stick their nose in the air.
Extra Info: None
Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all! Graystud

This was her favourite land of them all. A place to race, to feel the freedom in your mane and the fresh air in your tail.

Blur raced through the grass, her hooves a flash of black, her mane and tail lethal to anything in it's path. This was the way to life, if you are lonely and the only thing that is your friend is the wind. Blur smiled to herself and kept on running.
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Blurred Image, Blur. Her name says it all!
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