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 Gypsy Rose's Territory

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Join date : 2008-10-29

Gypsy Rose's Territory Empty
PostSubject: Gypsy Rose's Territory   Gypsy Rose's Territory Icon_minitimeWed Oct 29, 2008 12:38 am

Rose trotted at first, and then held her head up, and sped to a full gallop. Sand flew from the ground as she galloped, sending a shrill neigh to the sky, sending a message to all near enough to hear: This was her land. Her mane whipped around her neck, sending her to a bucking frenzy before she slowed to a graceful canter, stopped abrutly atop a large rock, over looking a bit of this desalent land she had just claimed as her own, a place to start a herd and live her life. With a small sigh, her ears perked, scanning the terrain.
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